Other services provided by the corporate department
This section also provides all legal services in the life of companies and financial entities, including but without limitation:
- Renewing documents and commercial licenses for national and foreign companies;
- Keeping all data and documents with the Companies Registrar Department;
- Adjusting the capital of companies, whether by increasing or decreasing;
- Conducting all mergers and acquisitions processes and changing the company type;
- Attesting all meeting minutes and certifying them from the Companies Registrar Department;
- Conducting all transactions aimed at modifying the nature of the company and the purpose thereof;
- Adapting the legal status of Arab and foreign companies’ representative offices and converting them into branches;
- Changing the address of the national and foreign company headquarters inside Iraq;
- Completing the transactions of buying and selling stocks;
- Liquidation of the National Company and the branches of foreign companies; and Obtaining official approvals, licenses, and issuing import IDs.